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Our History


OOO Intelmachine is a company specialized in the design and construction of cutting-edge systems for the production of sandwich panels capable of satisfying any market requirement. The Chief Executive Officer of the company is Ignatov Mikhail. Today Intelmachine is the only manufacturer of automated production lines and equipment in Russia and CIS countries.

The company was set up by a group of specialists from different technical fields to apply their experience to a wide range of technical problems that form a stable environment for the development of the innovation economy.

The production was opened in 2013. However, the idea for the company came long before ’13. In the beginning, Mikhail Ignatov set out to develop the company’s CNC robotised automation systems.

During the work and the study of other attractive areas for the company, the area of sandwich panel production was identified. That time, the target audience for sandwich panel products was builders of agricultural warehouses or mid-level industrial buildings. The main requirement for sandwich panels was simple – not to fall apart when assembled. In addition, it was a relatively cheap building material. Today, high quality sandwich panels are in demand in the construction of shopping centers, manufacturing facilities, airports.

Intelmachine was looking for a representative in the international market of quality-proven equipment. It turned out to be the British company Duemas Technology LTD.

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As a result, in 2019 the founder of Duemas Technology LTD, Kevin Thomas, and the founder of OOO Intelmachine, Mikhail Ignatov, decided to transfer the technology and equipment production to Russia. Since then, Intelmachine has become an official manufacturer of sandwich panel lines using Duemas Technology LTD (UK) technology.

Duemas sandwich panel lines have proven themselves to be the most reliable and high quality worldwide.

In the course of the company’s development, Intelmachine specialists have upgraded the modules and units of sandwich panel lines, which have made it possible to automate the process of sandwich panels manufacturing and significantly improve their quality.

Today, the equipment we offer is Duemas Technology LTD design solutions improved by Intelmachine specialists based on many years of experience in launching and modernising sandwich panel lines.

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Until 2022, 95% of the equipment in the sandwich panel industry was imported, but last year the situation began to change. The supplies from Germany have stopped completely. The supplies continue to come from Italy, but are accompanied by a number of problems. OOO Intelmachine is actively engaged in import substitution in the field of sandwich panel equipment manufacturing.

The company’s list of capabilities encompasses the full cycle of production start-up: from conceptual design to implementation of innovative technologies in manufacturing processes.

In addition, Intelmachine has its own equipment manufacturing and R&D activities, so that the customer receives the most advanced and innovative solutions.

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The final products of OOO Intelmachine are automated lines for the production of wall and roof panels. The entire production process is automated as much as possible and requires a minimum number of personnel to operate the line.

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Ignatov Mikhail

Chief Executive Officer

Abramov Evgeniy

Deputy CEO for the Production of Industrial Equipment

Nevskiy Oleg

Sales Director

Ivanov Aleksandr

Chief engineer

Lebed Aleksandr

Workshop manager



Юридический адрес: 107553, Москва г,
Внутригородская территория муниципальный округ
Преображенское, Черкизовская Б. ул, дом 24А,
строение 1, этаж 7, оф. 715

Факт. адрес: 107553, Москва г,
ул. Большая Черкизовская, дом 24А,
строение 1, этаж 7, оф. 715.

Р/с: 40702810301990002540

БИК 044525593
ИНН/КПП 7702464207/770201001
ОГРН 1197746138138

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Невский Олег Александрович

Невский Олег Александрович

Директор по продажам
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Невский Олег Александрович

Невский Олег Александрович

Директор по продажам

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